
Monday, 29 September 2014

[RANT] Country roads take me home (& to work)...

My commute, daily, in and out is mostly along country roads.

Quiet country roads.

At least, that is, until there are roadworks on the main roads.

Then every divil in the County uses my road as a bolt hole, an escape route, a rat run.

Of course the divertees (unofficial as no diversion in place) are naturally impatient people.

I mean they aren't happy to wait in the traffic light queues like everyone else. No siree, patient they are not, they are determined that an addiitonal 8k loop onto their journey is not going to cause them any grief.

Especially not if they can make up time by racing down backroads where the posted speed limit is 50km/h.

They're not limits, they're target!! And in my line we exceed targets regularly!!
I can hear you coming on the road. Your tyres rumbling, your engines revving as in convoy you play a game of follow the leader, kiss my bumper.

The worst ones are those 2nd & 3rd in line. You spotted the turnoff but are frustrated that the driver in front of you had the same idea and went first. In fact I can just see you edging out of the line of traffic, maybe thinking how soon can I break the line and jump the queue?

Anyway there you are, blind following the blind. And here I am running along the side of the same road my taxes are paying for, a road user, just like you.

Except for one thing.

I am using the road with due care and consideration for other road users.

You see, I hear you coming, even with my music on. And knowing that you are coming around the next corner clipping the apex as you look for more speed, I step out.

Yes, that is right, you read it.

I step out.

I widen my verge. Instead of running 30cm from the edge of the road I am now 80..90..100cm from the edge of the road.

You see when you come flying around the corner (I know you are coming) the wider I make the bend the earlier you will see me and the more chance I have of stepping out of your way, into the space that I have created.

Oh don't worry about the oncoming traffic, they see me too and I'm already aware of the road behind me, out of your line of sight so I'm not putting either of us in peril. Well, not me anyway.

Though judging by the startled look on your face which quickly flares as anger directed at me as you believe it is my fault that you were speeding, my fault that you have no anticiption of the road ahead, my fault that you had to brake for an 'unexpected' obstacle.

Get stuffed!!!

Direct that anger at yourself. It could have been a tractor or a herd of cattle around that bend. Clean that out of your seat.

Another few weeks and the roads will be mine again, all mine!!

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