
Monday, 30 September 2013

29th September 2013 - Week in review

This week past is Week 19 of my #running plan leading up to #AmsterdamMarathon on 20th October.

On of the key sessions was the LPR on Sunday which would see me peaking out at 35k (or 22miles as I was encouraged to consider it) and with a planned week of 108k in total.

Rest day.

Planned -
10mins E pace, 5x30sec strides/30secs easy, 3x(3km T pace + 10secs with 1km E pace recovery) & 5min E warm down

Actual -
I was only getting into the flow of the workout when a car came up alongside me (running at night on country roads) yet slightly behind and I thought, "I'm in the ditch already, go past!" after another 100m and the car was still  there I thought what the heck and glanced over my shoulder to see this fellow hanging out of the window. Looking properly I recognised him as Greg, my go-to massage guy, Sh1te, I forgot he was calling over! He wanted to try / borrow my wetsuit for an open water event at the weekend.

Checking the watch, I told him "800m to go" as my intent was to pause at the end of the first phase, take a lift back and finish on the treadmill.

End of session :(

Planned -
AM - 60mins E pace running, throw in 5x20sec strides
PM - 40mins E pace running

Actual -
Terrible nights sleep so awake early and got out on the road to do last nights session over.
The tired mind & body meant I was not on it properly for the phases, but session done.
Wk19 Tuesday - Phases
I knew this meant I was now backed up x2 sessions already this week and couldn't afford to let them slip further. I was reconciling / clutching at straws that the 5.6k of last night would replace the 40min Epace run
Wk19 Wednesday - Summary

Planned -
10mins E pace, 70mins M pace, 5mins E pace to warm down

Actual -
Drop the kids to school, back, change and out the door. Leaving a gel & drink on the front pillar I'd a plan of a big loop and a slightly smaller loop to finish.
Wk19 Thursday - Phases
 On the money with the pacing, I was happy, relatively comfortable and not to stressed with the effort. We'll have a look at Training Load later.
Wk19 Thursday - Summary

Planned -
60mins E pace running, throw in 5x20sec strides

Actual -
The last in the #FeetontheStreet series from #AthleticsLimerick and my second local race. With it only around the corner from me in +Amphibian King Limerick it would have been rude not to do the #Southill5k.

My Race Report is already covered.
Wk19 Southill 5k
Of course, not really being conducive to the training plan, the 5k served to show me where I was re speed work.

Planned -
60mins E pace running, throw in 5x20sec strides

Actual -
Just as it says on the tin. Nice recovery run, legs felt nice and loose after pushing hard last night. Good session, still rubbish sleep on account of the kids. But hey ho!
Wk 19 Saturday - Summary

Planned -
Long run as 5km E pace, 2x(12km M pace, 1km E pace), 2km M pace -10secs, 2km E pace

Actual -
Meeting my buddy Conor for our first run together in a long while, we decided mentally & physically we could feed off each other on this run even if we were at different paces.

We'd figured a 10k ish loop near Oranmore which was relatively flat rather than the lumpy hills around his place or the sharp draggy pieces around me.
Wk 19 Sunday - Phases
We set up the water station which we'd be passing on each of the three loops. I've been using a combination of +Agave #9 gels and #ElivarSport Endure drink (protein & slow release carbs) and I find they work a treat for me.
Wk19 Sunday - Summary

Both of us were delighted with the outcome of the session and I think it was mentally a great way to finish a tough week of work, poor sleep and general fatigue. Rolling on to next week I feel like magic, and can't wait to hit taper fortnight to freshen up and loosen out.
Wk19 Summary - Load indicators & looking to Wk20

Over all:
Planned Week - 107km
Actual Week - 93km

Physically - some barriers of tiredness to push through
Mentally - BOOM!

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