
Tuesday, 20 October 2015

The hurler on the ditch...

hurler on the ditch ‎(plural hurlers on the ditch)
(Ireland, idiomatic) A person standing on the side of a hurling field issuing (unsolicited and usually unwanted) instructions to the hurlers.
(figuratively, Ireland, idiomatic) An opinionated person who offers (unsolicited and often unwanted) advice on the best way to handle a situation.

Not that I'd consider myself a hurler but the analogy is fitting.

It's long past the acceptable duration that I should be sitting on the ditch giving advice. Less talking more doing! :)

My last post threw out the Paris Marathon 2016 as a Spring goal to focus my attention. Following on from that will be Challenge Galway in June 2016. There are also some big Adventure Races I'd love to have a hand in with TriHarderAR but family and work commitments have to be figured in before any discussion or planning takes place.

So with the Spring goal being Paris it was time to be held accountable.

I spoke with my friend Dave who has agreed to take me under his wing and hold me accountable.

I'm not going blow by blow for the next 6 months or I'll bore the pants off both you and I! Maybe a weekly summary and key sessions (?) Dave is also available for discussion or consultation if you have particular goals of your own.

Week -1 (12th Oct)
Orienteering with the kids on Sunday in Loughrea, followed with a 1hr bike set me up for an 89.1kg weigh in on Monday morning. A few tough questions and instructions to keep a food diary (MyFitnessPal) snapped me into reality.
Went for a run on Tuesday morning - nothing structured 9.8k
Wednesday 1 hour turbo followed with a spin on Thursday.
All easy stuff and then #Zero25k on Saturday with my own 6k run afterwards.
A 1:45 bike on Sunday set me up nicely for the disappointment of the rugby quarter final but that's the way the cookie crumbles!

Week 0 (19th Oct)
Email in Friday last with a plan for the week!! **eek**
I'm not swimming at the moment as no pool membership, might have to substitute something in for the next wee while until I sort something out again.
Monday 40 mins run easy - did this on the treadmill, 7.68k 146bpm Average
TurboTuesday makes a comeback tonight with a 50 mins session.
Mixture of run / bike for this week while resetting the training habit.

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