First time on the turbo in a long time to give the new thread a go with #TunneysTurbo session. Badly needed kick in the a$$!!
The session was quite straightforward ....on paper! Warm up, spin up/down and 5 x 4mins LTHR+10 / 2min easy - cool down.
As I have yet to sort out an upgrade on my Power Pedals I am working off Lactate Threshold Heart Rate (LTHR) as a guide to the effort asked for by the session. Ideally this would be a power based workout using an accurately tested FTP +% as a metric for the workout.
The session as it looks on the V800 |
With a doubt as to where exactly my LTHR is at the moment I just went off RPE and 'power' feedback from the Tacx Flow to guide efforts relatively.
Knowing that the legs were tired following from the exertions of Craughwell 10 on Sunday, it was a matter of SIU and pushing through.
1st rep might have been a tad on the safe side of effort but I lifted effort and used gearing for each of the other reps to keep the effort up there.
Heart Rate graph - despite a fan and open doors the temp went up! |
Happy with the first outing back on the turbo in a long time. I'd forgotten how long it takes to set up, between laptops, tyres and finding my bike shoes! As well as 10 mins looking for an extension lead!!
Looking forward to the next one! :)