
Tuesday, 28 January 2014

It's almost February & nothing done.

Tacx i-Flow VR Trainer
How quickly a month passes!

I started 2014 with no race goals or targets. I simply stated that I want to train for fun and enjoy a couple of events this year.

Cue a lazy approach, a very easy laissez faire, manana type procrastinating attempt at training. I did a couple of runs and a few turbo sessions.

My turbo sessions were more setting up and getting to know the software type that any actual sweating and going nowhere. I picked up a Tacx Flow with multiplayer software, pretty cool piece of kit but very easy to get distracted from real work and just play 'games'.

Chatting with a pal at the weekend I discovered he has the same trainer software and he introduced me to the idea of using the Google maps interface to recycle old training routes.

Last night I cycled from Lahinch back up the coast road over the Cliffs of Moher towards Kinvara all without leaving the comfort of my training room.

This I could get used to :-)